Sunday, May 18, 2008

Girls you need to get off the couch if you want to prevent a future without breast cancer!

There is now a reason more than ever to get your daughters off the couch, research shows that excersice during teen years, starting as young as the age of twelve, can help girls protect themselves from breast cancer when their older. A recent report in the Star Tribune indicates more than half of all insured Americans are taking prescription drugs regularly for chronic health problems, the most widely used drugs are those to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol -- problems often linked to heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

It has long been advised that middle-aged women get active to lower their risks of breast cancer post menopause. New research points to the benefits of sustained physical activity from adolescence through the adult years, to get the maximum benefit.

Women who were physically active as teens and young adults were 23 percent less likely to develop premenopausal breast cancer than women who grew up sedentary, researchers report today in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Now is the time more than ever for girls to endure in more physical activity and engage in a healthier lifestyle. Parents get your daughters off the couch and save them from diseases in their future.

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